A delicious, freeze-dried, preservative-free, complete gut health bite for dogs and cats. Each bite contains chicory root powder and sweet potatoes as a prebiotic to build a healthy foundation for gut microbes to thrive and nourish our proprietary probiotic blend, with Epicor® as a postbiotic. But we didn’t stop there. we added Turkey Tail & Lions Mane mushrooms which have been used for centuries to support a healthy gut and digestive system.
A natural and preservative-free health supplement for dogs and cats that supports overall gut health, digestion, and immunity.
- Complete Gut Health Bite
- Freeze-Dried
- No harmful Preservatives or Fillers
- No added starch, mycelium or grain of any kind
- Promotes Healthy Gut & Flourishing Gut Flora
- Promotes Healthy Digestive System
- Promotes Immunity and Overall Health
- Proprietary Probiotic Blend with 86,000,000 CFU per bite
- Sweet Potato and Chicory Root Powder Prebiotics
- EpiCor Post-Biotic